5 Creative Ways to Handle Surplus Weapons in Skull and Bones

Discover unique strategies to manage surplus weapons in the world of Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Skull and Bones, surplus weapons can be a burden or a boon. Players often debate the best way to handle these excess armaments. Some seek to sell them, while others hoard them for potential future use. Let’s dive into a Reddit post discussing this very topic.


  • Consider future strategic needs before selling surplus weapons.
  • Hoarding weapons may prove beneficial due to evolving gameplay dynamics.
  • Diversify your arsenal for versatility in combat situations.

Opinions on Selling

Some players, like Lilywhitey, advocate for keeping surplus weapons for potential future requirements, emphasizing the uncertainty around fleet management mechanisms. This strategic foresight acknowledges the evolving nature of the game and hints at the importance of preparedness for unforeseen challenges.

Stockpiling for the Future

On the contrary, eucadiantendy39 showcases a different approach by highlighting the value of accumulating specific weapons like Scurlock’s Long Nines. This player’s focus on particular armaments suggests a tactical preference for mastering a set of weapons rather than diversifying the arsenal, potentially enhancing combat effectiveness through specialization.

Balancing Versatility and Specialization

The discussions on surplus weapons in Skull and Bones encompass a broader strategic dilemma for players – optimizing between the ability to adapt to various combat scenarios with a diverse weapon selection and the advantage of proficiency with specialized arms. Each approach brings unique advantages and challenges, shaping players’ experiences and gameplay outcomes.

Crafting Your Arsenal Strategy

As you navigate the world of Skull and Bones, consider how you wish to manage surplus weapons – do you aim for versatility or specialize in specific armaments? Deciding your strategy early on can impact your gameplay style and success in naval combat. Whether you choose to sell, hoard, or specialize, remember that each decision contributes to the depth and complexity of your experience in this immersive pirate adventure.