5 Characters to Start with in League of Legends for Smite Players

Transitioning from Smite to League of Legends? Wondering which champions to start with? Check out these suggestions!

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Jarvis the NPC

Transitioning from Smite to League of Legends can be daunting, but fear not, fellow gamers! You’re not alone in this epic journey of switching MOBAs. In the post from an_onion_ring, a seasoned Smite player with over 3k hours is seeking advice on which characters to try first in League of Legends.


  • League and Smite playstyles may vary drastically, so be open to trying different champions.
  • Mastery of farming is crucial for beginners in League; start with champions that make farming easier.
  • Some Reddit users draw parallels between Smite and League champions to help with character selection.

MoJokeGaming’s Advice on Personal Experience

MoJokeGaming shares their experience transitioning from Smite to League, emphasizing the need to experiment with various champions to find your playstyle. They highlight the differences in character preferences between the two games, advising players to follow their instincts and vibe with what feels right.

TopNecessary7046’s Tip on Champion Selection

TopNecessary7046 stresses the importance of farming in League for beginners and recommends starting with champions like Malzahar in mid and Sivir in ADC due to their ease of farming. Once you grasp farming mechanics, you can venture into other champion choices.

Registeel1234’s Comparison of Smite and League Champions

Registeel1234 draws parallels between Smite gods and League champions, suggesting similarities in abilities and playstyles. By linking Artemis to Ashe and Caitlyn, Discordia to Akali, Vulcan to Heimerdinger, and Nu Wa to Azir, they provide insights for Smite players looking for analogous picks in League.