10 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your PC for Valorant – 2021 Guide

Thinking of upgrading your PC for Valorant? Read this Reddit thread for some insight!

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players on Reddit are buzzing about the impact of upgrading their PCs on their gameplay performance and ranks. One user shared how going from 40-50 fps to 200-300 fps on a 144hz screen helped them climb from plat to ascendant 1. Others chimed in with their own upgrade stories, highlighting the difference a better setup can make in a tactical shooter like Valorant.


  • Upgrading to a higher fps and hz screen can significantly improve your gameplay experience.
  • Players reported climbing ranks faster after upgrading their PCs.
  • The transition from 60hz to 144hz screens was described as game-changing.

Upgrade Tales

Some users expressed their frustrations with low fps, equating it to a painful experience on a tactical shooter like Valorant. One user humorously stated that they would ‘killjoy themselves’ rather than play on 40fps.

Another player shared their journey from hardstuck Iron to Bronze after switching to a 144hz screen, emphasizing the impact of refresh rate on performance.

Hz Matters

Switching from a 60hz to a 144hz monitor was a revelation for many players, with some claiming they could never go back after experiencing the smoother gameplay.

Game-Changing Upgrades

Users emphasized the transformative nature of upgrading to a higher fps and hz screen, describing it as a must-do for anyone serious about improving their Valorant gameplay.

As the Reddit post and comments show, the right PC setup can make a world of difference in your performance and enjoyment of Valorant. Whether it’s climbing ranks faster or simply experiencing the game in a whole new way, upgrading your PC might just be the key to unlocking your full potential in Valorant.