10 Crazy Ideas to Break Agents in Valorant – Hilarious Reddit Thread!

Find out the wackiest ideas Reddit users have to break agents in Valorant in this hilarious thread!

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant players on Reddit have unleashed their creativity in suggesting bizarre ways to break agents in the game. From uninstalling Valorant for missing shots to having abilities go haywire in natural sunlight, the community’s suggestions are both imaginative and entertaining. User Courtneyedgar initiated a fun discussion by asking for concepts on breaking a Valorant agent for a video project, spawning a slew of outrageous and comical ideas.


  • Valorant players come up with hilarious ways to break agents.
  • Ideas range from uninstalling the game for missed shots to maps in reverse.
  • The community shows off its creative and humorous side.
  • Users suggest wild agent modifications for a fun video project.

ToastyCaribiu84’s Idea:

One player proposes Deadlock having to do circles with her mouse to reel in with her ult, adding a comical challenge to the character’s abilities.

ThatRoovenKid’s Suggestion:

Harbor’s smokes are now clear like water, providing a visual twist that could lead to some confusing gameplay moments.

-SlimFatman’s Proposal:

When Sage resurrects someone, another random player drops dead, introducing a grim element to Sage’s healing abilities.

Born_Ad336’s Concept:

Cypher tripwires now have a loud Cypher jumpscare when you run into them, adding a spooky surprise factor to Cypher’s traps.

PetiHuN99’s Idea:

Decay from Viper’s smoke becomes permanent, changing the dynamic of Viper’s control over the battlefield.

VYGOriginal’s Unique Approach:

Updrafting with Jett and hitting your head on a ceiling five times grants a ‘brain damage’ passive that functions like a Breach stun, adding a humorous consequence to Jett’s aerial moves.

BiddlesticksGuy’s Twist:

All mollies act like regular grenades now, consolidating damage into a single explosive impact, altering the nature of fire abilities in the game.

aitacarmoney’s Creative Change:

Reyna can heal by taking her team’s HP, introducing a unique mechanic that balances healing with a price.

JureFlex’s Outlandish Idea:

Reyna’s Dismiss can only be triggered if the player is levitating while casting it, and Neon Sprint can only be fueled by running on a treadmill, showcasing amusing restrictions on Reyna’s abilities.

Valorant players never fail to amuse with their inventive and humorous takes on game mechanics. The playful banter and outlandish suggestions make the community’s engagement a joy to witness, highlighting the vibrant creativity within the gaming community.