Z League

Your spot is reserved

We'll send you a confirmation email when all of your team members have finished registering.

How to join your tournament
  1. 1. Sign in to your game with the same platform and game data IDs you linked to Z League
  2. 2. At the scheduled start time, join your squad in a public Battle Royale in the mode of your tournament (Duos, Trios, etc.)
  3. 3. Play as many games as you wish during the tournament run time
  1. No check-in required
  2. No code to enter
  3. No stream required
How scoring works
  1. 1. We'll email the scoreboard link to your team about 10 minutes before the scheduled start time.
  2. 2. As you play in a public Battle Royale, we'll be tallying your team's kills and placement points. Kills + placement points = game score
  3. 3. Tournaments are scored in a “Best games” format — the number of best games will be specified in your tournament details. Your final score will be the sum that number of top-scoring games. 
    Example: In a 'Best 2 games' tournament, only the points from your 2 top-scoring games count.
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