The Best Rotations on Apex Legends Olympus

Olympus is one of the coolest maps Respawn has ever made, it’s pure eye candy, so let’s take a look at the best rotation on Olympus.

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Ursine Warrior

Key Takeaways For the Best Rotations on Olympus

  • The Southern part of the map is probably the most lucrative
  • Your primary mode of traversal is the Trident
  • Take care not to fall off the map, as that’s a possibility

As always, what the best rotations on Olympus end up being is entirely up to the RNG of the game. What we’ll be discussing today is how you can go about navigating and rotating through each of the areas in Olympus.

Olympus is almost entirely open areas, it has even more open areas than World’s Edge; for some that’s a good thing, for others… not so much. Regardless of what you think on the matter, this means that you’ll probably want a Legend in your team that can help you traverse those open distances. And who better to do just that than the queen of rotations – Valkyrie

If you don’t have a pocket Valkyrie, head on over to the Z League app and find one.

Olympus Map Layout 

Olympus is a rather circular map, it might just be me losing it, but I believe that the minimap is quite in line with the Fibonacci sequence. Lore-wise, Olympus was meant to be a utopia, so it’s probably likely that the architects used the Fibonacci spiral as a basis for its design. Anyways, here’s what it looks like.

Rotations on Olympus

Quite stunning, right? Now let’s take a look at the lay of the land (or can I say “lay of the sky” in this case?) 

In the North, you have the Carrier, the Docks, the Power Grid, and the Rift. Through the middle of the map, you have the Oasis, the Estates, the Turbine, Hammond Labs, the Energy Depot, the Grow Towers, and the Gardens. And finally, in the South, you have Elysium, Hydroponics, the Bonsai Plaza, Solar Array, and the Orbital Cannon.

Now that we know the layout, let’s take a look at some rotation plans.

Rotations in the South of Olympus

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There are two possible routes, for the first one, drop at Elysium and go Through Hydroponics to Bonsai Plaza. From there, head on through Solar Array into Hammond Labs if the ring allows it. There are Tridents scattered around everywhere, so it shouldn’t be a problem to get from A to B. For the second route, you’re gonna want to drop at Orbital Cannon and head straight to Bonsai Plaza. From Bonsai Plaza follow the remainder of the route into Solar Array and Hammond Labs. Here’s a tip. If you ever want to troll unsuspecting enemies, play as Octane and place jump pads along the outer rings, a lot of enemies won’t be expecting it, which is the perfect occasion for a little unfriendly prank. 

Rotations in the East of Olympus

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For the first route, you’re going to want to drop at Orbital Cannon again and head to Grow Towers. From there, head on to Gardens and into the Energy Depot after that.

The alternative route will have you dropping at Gardens and heading to Grow Towers right after. From there, head to Solar Array and use it to get to Hammond Labs; finish your run at the Energy Depot. This is a bit of an arduous trek compared to the previous one, but at least it gives you more opportunities to loot. Loba mains are probably salivating just thinking about the loot. 

Rotations in the North of Olympus

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For the North, you’re going to want to drop at Gardens again and head into the Rift. After clearing it out, hop on over to the Power Grid. After finishing up, head to the Energy Depot and end your run at the Turbine.

The alternative route will require you to drop at the Docks, after which you’ll go through the Carrier and into Oasis. After Oasis, quickly clear out the Estates and head into the Turbine. The Northern part of the map is quite condensed and has quite a lot of areas, so, ideally, you should be swimming in loot.

Rotations in the West of Olympus 

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In the West, there’s really one viable route, as the other would practically take you through the same course as the Northern route. Start by dropping at Elysium and move on to Hydroponics. After Hydroponics, drive on over to the Estates. Finally, after clearing the Estates, go to the Turbine.