Smite Conquest Guide

Welcome to our Smite Conquest Guide. Conquest is the most popular game mode in Smite, which makes learning its ins and outs a must.

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Ursine Warrior

Key Takeaways for Smite Conquest Guide

  • Conquest is the most popular Smite game mode
  • Conquest was the first Smite game mode
  • God’s roles are more prominent in Conquest than in other game modes
  • The Conquest map received a rework in Season 10

Smite’s Conquest mode is hands down the most popular game mode in Smite. Considering the fact that it was also the first ever game mode to be introduced to Smite, it’s easy to see why. Over the years, Conquest mode has had its reworks, facelifts, and ups and downs; yet, the core has always remained the same. 

That core is the good old tried and tested MOBA formula, just with a slight twist to keep things fresh. You have your three lanes, you have your jungle, and you have your different roles. It doesn’t get any simpler than that.

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The Map Layout of Conquest

Smite Conquest Guide
Image via r/Smite Screenshot

We briefly talked about the Conquest Map in our guide on the different Smite game modes, so today, let’s go into a bit more detail about what you can find in the Season 10 Conquest map. 

Let’s get the obvious out of the way, the three lanes and the unique jungle monsters are still there, as well as the rest of the monster camps. However, they’ve all been rearranged a bit. 

The map is practically mirrored, as such you have your usual array of 2 towers in each lane with a phoenix at the end of the lane. 

On the left part of the map you have your Speed buff, your Attack Speed buff, your XP camp, your Health Regen buff, your Gold Fury, your Oracle Fury camp, and your Shield camp. 

On the right side, you have your speed buff, XP camp, Attack Damage buff, Mana Regen buff, Fire Giant, Pyromancer, and the Cooldown camp. 

What Should The Different Roles Do on Conquest?

Image via Smite Official Website

Unlike other game modes, Conquest is a game mode that heavily emphasizes the different classes and their roles. While you can theoretically play any God in whichever role you’d like, to get the most out of a God, you should play them in the role they were designed to fulfill.

What You Should Do as a Solo-Lane

As a Solo-Laner you’re most likely going to be playing as a Warrior or a Guardian. In that case, you’re practically going to be limited to the role of a Bruiser or a Tank. 

Regardless of what you choose to play, your goal for the early and the mid-game should be the same. Your priority should be to dominate your lane by getting more farm than your opponent, and if possible – getting a few kills as well. 

Warriors and Guardians are really good at engaging in team fights and dictating how the team fights will develop. Your goal should be to become as strong as possible to be able to do that effortlessly, your second goal should be to make your Jungler as strong as possible.

What You Should Do as a Jungler

As a Jungler, you’re most likely going to be running as an Assassin. Assassins are the best class in the game for engaging single targets, hence why they make the best Junglers. As a Jungler, your priority in the early to mid-game should be to dominate the jungle and to poke the enemy occasionally.

By the mid-game, you should have farmed enough to get your core items. Once you have your core items, and your abilities unlocked, you should begin ganking the enemy aggressively. A God kill is exponentially more rewarding than clearing a mob camp or two. 

What You Should Do as a Mid-Lane

As a Mid-Lane, you’re probably going to be running a Mage. Other classes can fulfill the role, it’s just that it’s nice to have a mix of damage types if you’re going for the optimal team composition. 

This is probably the hardest role in the game, as your survival is entirely dependent on your wits and your devices. 

Your goal as a Mid-Lane should be to dominate your lane and push the enemy towers. In most games, it’s the mid-lane that usually gets targeted in the late game. If you’re able to soften up your opponent’s lane and get fed in the meantime – then you’ve effectively done your job. 

What You Should Do as a Carry

If you’re playing as a Carry, then you’re most likely playing a Hunter. This is the most straightforward role in the entire game. As a Carry, your main goal is to get fed as much as possible, as fast as possible. After that, you can begin slapping the enemy team around with ease.

What You Should Do as a Support

Mages and Guardians usually make for the best supports. To be an effective support you basically have to go over and under for your team. As such, your duties include, warding the map, helping your carry get fed, not feeding yourself (the most important part), and, keeping your team alive in team fights.