Riot to Ramp Up LoL Bots Detection

Good news for players who are getting fed up with LoL bots in Solo Queue as Riot Games indicates increased scrutiny to come.

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If you’re a regular in Ranked League of Legends then chances are you’ve come across a bot or two on your teams. Botting is particularly bad in low ELO, where it seems like Bronze and Iron ranked games are infested with Yuumi bots. Riot K3o, who is on Riot’s Anti-Cheat Team confirmed through a tweet that the development team will be taking a more active stance on botting going forward:

This will be welcome news to players who are trying to grind their way out of low ELO by not having to pay the ‘bot tax’ of essentially playing 4v5 or taking a draft dodge penalty.

You might be wondering why bad actors would even bother running bots that are destined to lose nearly every single match — the answer is actually quite simple: they become great smurf accounts with Ranked play unlocked for high ELO players to play casually or do a Bronze to high ELO climb.

If you’re looking for way to enhance your League of Legends experience then be sure to checkout Z League’s LoL tournaments, where you can participate for free and compete for some great prizes. You can also browse Z League’s Team Up feature to find likeminded players to queue together. You’ll be able to get a look at their historical performance, preferences, and playstyle to help you find the right fit.