Riot Responds to Cyber Attack: New Game Cheats May Follow

Riot Games formally responds to scope of recent cyber attack and address what players should expect in the near future.

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This morning Riot Games formally responded on Twitter to a Cyber Attack incident last week. In this response, Riot confirms that source code for League of Legends, TFT, and a legacy anticheat platform were acquired by the attackers. While the attackers are making ransom demands, Riot has firmly stated that they will not pay.

Given the nature of the attack, players may see new exploits being released in the near future as the source code may give hackers new attack vectors to exploit: “Truthfully, any exposure of source code can increase the likelihood of new cheats emerging. Since the attack, we’ve been working to assess its impact on anticheat and to be prepared to deploy fixes as quickly as possible if needed”.

As far as user privacy is concerned, the good news is that it seems like no personal data was compromised in the attack.

In addition to exploits, there may also be new ‘leaks’ circulating regarding new content or game mechanics. It will be difficult to discern and filter through the leaks to understand what was a legacy experimental feature vs. something that may be in active development: “The illegally obtained source code also includes a number of experimental features. While we hope some of these game modes and other changes eventually make it out to players, most of this content is in prototype and there’s no guarantee it will ever be released”.

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