League of Legends Patch 13.8: PatchNotes, Champion Changes and Item Updates

League of Legends patch 13.8 brings nerfs, buffs, new skins, and much more! We break down everything you need to know from the latest update to make sure you keep bringing home the wins!

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League of Legends Patch 13.8: Key Takeaways 

  • League of Legends Patch 13.8 went live on Wednesday, April 19th 
  • The Mid Season Invitational update brought several nerfs and buffs to various Champions
  • The Cosmic Drive item received changes that make it easier to use
  • New Dawnbringer and Nightbringer Skins are coming soon
  • There were several Quality of Life updates, included changes to Reporting, Challenges and more

League of Legends Patch 13.8 Release Date and Time

League of Legends patch 13.8 update will roll out on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. It is expected that ranked queues will be disabled for three hours prior to the update going live.

Here are some patch rollout times for different League servers: 

  • 3 am PT (NA)
  • 3 am CET (EU North East)
  • 5 am GMT (EU West)

Looking for a group to tackle the Rift together? Make sure to download the Z League app and take advantage of the newly improved LFG feature! More details here!

Champion Changes

Aurelion Sol, Jarven IV, Kayn, Malphite, and Rakan are all getting nerfed. 

Meanwhile, Ezreal, Garen, Janna, Kha’zix, Kog’Maw, Leona, Lillia, Nidalee, and Poppy are getting some needed love from Riot’s balance team. 

Check out the Patch 13.8 Champion’s Change Log for specific value changes on each champion.

Cosmic Drive Item Update

Cosmic Drive is now easier to use with the previous passive Ability Power being moved into the base stats of the item. The passive can start adding stacks with just one instance of damage and will continue to do so periodically. To fully stack, the enemy only needs to be hit once again after a delay. The intent is to avoid a single spell from fully stacking the passive.

Cosmic Drive Effects: 

  • Ability Power: 90 → 100
  • [NEW] Unique Passive – Spelldance: Damaging a champion (excluding damage over time) generates a stack of 2.5% Movement Speed every 1.5 seconds for the next 5 seconds up to 4 stacks. At 4 stacks, gain an additional 10% Movement Speed. Dealing damage refreshes this effect.

Reporting Changes

You can now report a player from your Match History! This is a positive QoL change as in-game mutes do not carry over to the post-game screen. 

Challenges Visual Rework

The challenges page is now organized by Capstones and Groups. This will ultimately make it easier to visualize and navigate what specific challenges you need to focus on to earn that title you’ve been looking for. 

13 8 Patch notes challenges new
image via Riot Games

Mythic Shop Rotation


  • Prestige Fuzz Fizz
  • Prestige Ascended Pantheon


  • Prestige True Damage Senna
  • Prestige Nightbringer Kayn
  • Mythic Chroma Dawnbringer Riven (Nightbringer)

Bugfixes and QoL Changes

Numerous Bugfixes have come to Patch 13.8.

Here is a breakdown of some of the major BugFixes:

  • Milio would sometimes cause games to crash if he was matched against an Ahri, Viego, or Sylas.
  • Draven’s R would not execute enemies if they were near Draven when he initially cast the ability + fixed the executing through spell shields like Sivir’s E
  • where using undo in the shop when Biscuit is owned reduced or increased your total mana by an amount more than what was granted by the item.
  • Watchful Wardstone could be copied and repeatedly sold.
  • Diana’s Q distance would be slightly shorter or longer if it was cast during Flash.
  • Getting snared would not stop recalls. 
  • Kai’Sa could sometimes use her R to escape Mordekaiser’s Realm of Death.

For the full list of Bug Fixes check out Riot Games updated list here.

New Skins and Chromas in Patch 13.8 

These skins will become available April 20, 2023 at 1:00 PM PDT.

Dawnbringer Renekton

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image via Riot Games

Dawnbringer Vayne

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image via Riot Games

Nightbringer Jarvan IV

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image via Riot Games

Nightbringer Nasus

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image via Riot Games

Dawnbringer Renekton Chroma

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image via Riot Games

Dawnbringer Vayne Chroma

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image via Riot Games

Nightbringer Jarvan IV Chroma

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image via Riot Games

Nightbringer Nasus Chroma

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image via Riot Games