Is That Brawl Stars Skin Worth It? Let’s Discern!

Exploring the worth of Brawl Stars' new skin through posts and comments shared by the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent flare-up on a major gaming forum, Brawl Stars users weighed in on the value of the new skin. Keen to know how the community feels? Let’s dive right in!


  • The overall sentiment towards the skin is positive.
  • Users believe it provides value for its cost.
  • It is considered a good investment for future, higher-end skins.

Unearthing the Value

According to user Madara_667_, the new skin is ‘verry good’, a sentiment echoed by many others. This enthusiasm may stem from the possibility it unlocks to purchase more premium versions, as DMGLMGMLG mentions.

Cost versus Value

A penny saved is a penny earned, folks! Luxon09 provides sound advice about waiting for a price drop, sharing their own story of a sweet skincare bargain. Likewise, W-MK29 highlights purchasing the skin paves the way to get the Black Panther one.

Adding a Dash of Entertainment

On a lighter note, Master-of-sium shares the purchase as part of a happy memory, while unearthing the fact that purchasing skins can be the best way to spend gems. And yes, even if a brawler is not regularly used. Furthermore, the humble admission by MaxBSreal, simply stating ‘Yes.’ speaks volumes about the community’s value of the skin

So you’re pondering upon getting the skin, right? It’s clear that the community is all in! With a range of positive responses, it’s safe to say that it provides good value for the cost, and it’s a pretty savvy investment for future, higher-end skins. Who knew skincare could be so strategic?! Happy Gaming!