How to Improve Aim as Hitscan Heroes in Overwatch 2

Can't hit shots? Learn how to improve aim for hitscan characters like Cassidy and Ashe in Overwatch 2, only at Z League!

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Jared Wentworth

Key Takeaways

  • To get better at hitscan heroes in Overwatch, you need to play hitscan heroes in a variety of situations, even when the other team has one or more counters.
  • Even though hitscan heroes are somewhat similar, you need to pick just one or two hitscan heroes if you want to improve your aim quickly.
  • Although other game modes can help you warm up, you need to play Competitive to improve your hitscan hero gameplay in high intensity situations.
  • If you struggle to hit anything despite plenty of practice, make sure you’re using the right aim settings.
  • Once you’re good at aiming and ready to climb in Competitive, use the Z League app to find skilled teammates in your bracket.

Overwatch Aim Training: Practice Makes Perfect

It’s frustrating to miss shots in Overwatch, especially if you’re playing Competitive and trying your best to win. Even if you know what to do, a lack of aiming skill makes it so that you can’t do your job or win games.

This problem is especially discouraging when you’re playing hitscan heroes like Cassidy, Ashe, Soldier 76, and Widowmaker. These heroes in particular rely on their aim. Even at close range, they don’t have a way to effortlessly deal damage like Reinhardt and Brigitte.

To get better at hitscan heroes in Overwatch 2, the secret is to practice—but not like how you might think. Practicing your hitscan heroes in Overwatch 2 doesn’t mean just playing the game. You need to play in such a way that leads to mastery over the hitscan class in particular.

Pick One Hero, Even Though They’re All Hitscan

It’s easy to assume that if you get good at Soldier 76, you’ll also get good at similar heroes like Ashe and Cassidy, but it usually doesn’t turn out like that. Even though all of these heroes have somewhat similar guns, they all play much differently. For example, Soldier 76 uses a tracking style of aiming, whereas Cassidy flicks. The heroes also have much different abilities, which are all absolutely essential to playing well.

To get good at hitscan heroes and improve your hitscan aim, pick just one hitscan hero to improve at. Don’t swap from that hero if you get uncomfortable—getting good at hitscan heroes involves playing them even in less-than-optimal situations.

Which Game Mode is Best to Improve Aim?

One of the biggest mistakes players make when trying to improve their hitscan aim is practicing on bots in the Training Range. While the Training Range can be useful, it’s not a good tool to use to improve aim. The bots simply move too slowly and predictably. Real enemy players are faster and more agile, and they have abilities to move around the map erratically as well.

FFA Deathmatch is the best mode to improve aim with on Overwatch 2 because you see a lot of enemies and you can respawn quickly. However, to improve functional aim in a competitive setting, you need to play the Competitive game mode. It doesn’t matter how many kills you get in FFA Deathmatch if you can’t hit clutch shots in Overtime!

Best Settings for Aiming in Overwatch 

When you’re trying to improve your aim, one of the things you should look at is your aim settings. Many players choose to modify the default aim settings in one way or another to fit their preferences. Universally, it’s important for you to be able to turn quickly enough to face enemies, which means you may need to increase your horizontal and/or vertical sensitivity. At the same time, turning too quickly and not being able to aim is even worse than not turning quickly enough—so steadily increase your sensitivity with time if you need to.