Kripparrian: BEASTS OP? QUILBOAR THEM! – Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Kripparrian discusses the power of beasts in the new season of Hearthstone Battlegrounds and introduces the strategy of using Quilboar to counter them.
Kripparrian: Battling Close Calls in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Join Kripparrian as he navigates through a challenging game of Hearthstone Battlegrounds filled with close calls and frustrating RNG.
Kripparrian: SCABBS = MAXIMUM FUN FACTOR! – Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Read about Kripparrian's experience playing Hearthstone Battlegrounds with the new hero, Scabs, and the maximum fun factor it brings.
Kripparrian: THEY CAN’T NERF THE HIGH-ROLL! – Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Kripparrian discusses the recent patch in Hearthstone Battlegrounds and the impact it has had on the gameplay.
Kripparrian: How the Unforgiving Triant Saved the Day in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Discover how Kripparrian utilizes the powerful Unforgiving Triant to turn the tide in his Beast runs in Hearthstone Battlegrounds.
Kripparrian: KALECGOS WINS! (ONLY ON GALLYWIX) – Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Kripparrian showcases a successful KALECGOS build in Hearthstone Battlegrounds, proving its viability as a strong strategy.
Kripparrian: The Power of Yog-Saron in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Discover the power of Yog-Saron in Hearthstone Battlegrounds as Kripparrian demonstrates its potential in his latest video.
Kripparrian: Unveiling the Coolest Spell-Build in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Kripparrian showcases his favorite spell-build ever in Hearthstone Battlegrounds, demonstrating the incredible possibilities of the game.
Kripparrian: Beasts Without Trigore – Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Kripparrian explores the viability of playing Beast builds without Trigore in Hearthstone Battlegrounds.
Kripparrian: I ACTUALLY BUILT XYRELLA’S BUDDY!!! – Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Kripparrian showcases the full potential of Xyrella's Buddy in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Find out how he maximizes its power!