Genshin Impact: Best Kazuha Support Build

The wandering samurai from Inazuma, Kazuha brings some exceptional talents to your team.

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Hamza Bakht

Key Takeaways

  • Kazuha, born into the once-famed Kaedehara Clan, carries the weight of their legacy as he wanders the lands, seeking solace amidst the happenings of his troubled past.
  • His playstyle combines elegant swordsmanship with wind manipulation, allowing him to unleash devastating attacks and control the battlefield gracefully.
  • The Freedom-Sworn and Iron Sting are two excellent weapons for his Swirl Support Build, amplifying his Swirl reactions and overall damage output.
  • In a Swirl Support Build, prioritize artifact stats such as Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, and ATK% to enhance Kazuha’s energy generation, Swirl damage, and overall damage output, respectively.
  • The Viridescent Venerer artifact set is the optimal choice for Kazuha’s Swirl Support Build, boosting Swirl reactions and reducing enemy elemental resistance, maximizing his support capabilities.

Kaedehara Kazuha standing on Jade Chamber pavillion

Kaedehara Kazuha is a popular 5-star character in Genshin Impact. He wields a sword in combat and controls the Anemo element, delivering swift and precise strikes. His Elemental Burst leaves behind an a powerful Elemental field and his skills allow him to launch himself into the air. Furthermore, his character design and animations reflect his affinity for nature, and his philosophical musings add depth to his personality.

Kazuha is currently one of the best support characters in Genshin Impact (You can check out our Support Tier List here). While you’re here, check out our DPS Tier list and Sub-DPS tier lists for the latest patch in Genshin Impact.

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Introduction Kazuha 

Kaedehara Kazuha is a wandering samurai from the Kaedehara Clan, a once-famed family of warriors. Kazuha carries the weight of his clan’s legacy despite their diminished status. He temporarily joined The Crux, a seafaring crew under Beidou, and maintains an easygoing demeanor. He possesses the ability to read the sounds of nature, reflecting his deep connection to the Anemo element. He was skilled enough to go against the Raiden Shogun for a brief combat encounter.

Kazuha Swirl Support Build

Best WeaponFreedom-Sworn
Replacement WeaponsIron Sting
Best ArtifactsViridescent Venerer
Main StatsSands: Energy Recharge or Elemental Mastery
Goblet: Elemental Mastery
Circlet: Elemental Mastery
SubstatsEnergy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, ATK%, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate

The Kazuha Swirl Support Build focuses on maximizing his ability to trigger Swirl reactions and provide support to the team. The recommended weapon is the Freedom-Sworn for its elemental damage bonus and party-wide benefits. The Viridescent Venerer artifact set is ideal, boosting Swirl reactions and reducing enemy elemental resistance. This build enhances his support capabilities and increases the team’s overall damage output.

Kazuha Best Weapons

BestFreedom-SwornBonus Stat: Elemental Mastery 43
Skill Effect: Increases DMG by 10%. When characters with Freedom-Sworn trigger Elemental Reactions, they gain a Sigil of Rebellion (once every 0.5s). This triggers even if they aren’t on the field. When you reach 2 Sigils, they will be consumed which grants nearby party members 20% ATK and 16% Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG for 12s. Once triggered, you gain no Sigils for 20s. The same buffs from the Millennial Movement series do not stack.
F2P OptionIron StingBonus Stat: Elemental Mastery 36
Skill Effect: Dealing Elemental DMG increases all DMG by 6% for 6s. Max 2 stacks. Can occur once every 1s.

Best 5 Star Weapon

Kaedehara Kazuha Freedom-sworn sword


Freedom-Sworn is considered Kazuha’s best weapon for the Swirl Support Build due to its bonus stat of Elemental Mastery, which enhances Swirl reaction damage. Its skill effect of granting Sigils of Rebellion and activating powerful ATK and damage buffs for the team further amplifies his support capabilities, making it an excellent choice for players aiming to maximize his potential in providing support.

Best F2P Weapon

Kazuha holding Iron Sting

Iron Sting

The Elemental Mastery bonus, combined with the stacking damage buff, allows Kazuha to excel in triggering Swirl reactions and amplifying the overall damage dealt by elemental combinations. This is especially beneficial when paired with other characters who specialize in elemental abilities, as the Swirl reaction can spread the effects to nearby enemies, causing a chain of elemental damage and reactions.

Kazuha Best Artifacts

Kaedehara Kazuha Viridescent Venerer artifact set

Viridescent Venerer

Set PiecesSet Piece Bonus
2-Piece BonusAnemo DMG Bonus +15%
4-Piece BonusIncreases Swirl DMG by 60%. Decreases opponent’s Elemental RES to the element infused in the Swirl by 40% for 10s.

The Viridescent Venerer set synergizes perfectly with Kazuha’s Swirl Support Build, allowing players to capitalize on his role as a Support character and maximize the effectiveness of elemental reactions. It greatly enhances his ability to trigger Swirl reactions, increases Swirl damage, and reduces the opponent’s Elemental Resistance, ultimately benefiting the entire team’s damage output.

We appreciate your choice to use our guide to build Kazuha as a Support character. If you want to explore other top Anemo DPS characters that work well alongside Kazuha’s support role, we recommend checking out our guides on Sucrose and Venti. Enjoy your adventures in Teyvat!