Best Jinx Bot Build Guide: Patch 13.8

Jinx bot build guide with runes, skills, item paths, and champion information in the current meta for LoL patch 13.8.

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Jinx bot build guide with runes, skills, item paths, and champion information in the current meta for LoL patch 13.8.

Jinx is one of the most common champions played on Summoner’s Rift. Her excellent kit is easy to learn and provides everything an ADC would be looking for without a high difficulty level compared to other champions. Plus, it can be truly rewarding to secure kills while simultaneously striking fear into the heart of the enemies.

This build guide will help ensure you’re building the best items for Jinx, allowing you to carry your team to the victory screen.

Are you missing teammates who appreciate Baron Nashor’s cuteness as much as Jinx? Then make sure to download the Z League app and take advantage of the newly improved LFG feature! More details here!

Jinx Bot Build Guide Key Takeaways 

  • Skill path Max R-Q-W-E
  • Doran’s Blade and HP Pot start 
  • Rush Kraken Slayer, Berseker’s Greaves, and Infinity Edge 
  • Grab some attack speed and movement speed fourth item, then more AD and situational items as needed
  • Jinx out scales most champions but has a hard time with early lane, especially against burst heavy damage champions.

Jinx should be using Precision and Sorcery trees with a single focus on scaling into the late game.

Lethal Tempo keystone is a must for Jinx. It’s plain and simple that ADC champions want to attack more often; however, we want Jinx to build as many damage items as possible and Lethal Tempo will scale nicely with her minigun’s scaling from in her Q-Switcheroo!

Be sure to pick up Sorcery focusing on maximizing your late game damage and picking up a little bit of flat armor to help survive early lane poke. 

Grabbing Presence of Mind will help ensure you have enough for your R – Super Mega Death Rocket! after an extended fight where your enemies are running in fear.

Then the snowball formula of your runes really takes off: 

  1. Coup De Grace + R – Super Mega Death Rocket! + low health enemy = Takedown
  2. Takedown triggers more lifesteal from Legends: Bloodline. 
  3. Legends: Bloodline ensures that after your team fight you have higher health, which helps maintain your Absolute Focus for a stronger Super Mega Death Rocket! 

Get Excited! This magical cycle will repeat until your inevitable victory!

Summoner Spells: Flash + Heal
Order: Max R → Q → W → E

Jinx should focus on farming and scaling safely during the laning phase. Jinx should look to trade using Fishbones rockets from her Q – Switcheroo! to occasionally poke enemies until they are low enough to engage and kill, but avoid playing too aggressively as a snowballing enemy bot lane can make life difficult.

Jinx players can add more poke with W – Zap!, but this is only advised when you are aware of where the enemy jungle is and your current mana levels as W – Zap! can help be the first line of defense in a gank situation, but you don’t want to use and then not have enough mana for your E – Flame Chompers!

In mid-game, move to mid lane to keep farming, contribute to the vision on the map, and rotate to objectives or team fights as the team needs. Remember that your ultimate Super Mega Death Rocket! has a relatively short cooldown, so do not fear using it should a fight break out anywhere on the map. A kill is nice, but even if you get an assist it will proc your passive – Get Excited! – allowing you to rotate to the fight or pressure the lane harder thanks to the attack speed boost. 

  • Starting Items
    • Doran’s Blade + Health Pots
  • Core Items
    • Kraken Slayer – this mythic’s passive gives us scaling attack speed as we continue to complete our build 
    • Berserker’s Greaves – standard attack speed boots for ADC
    • Infinity Edge – Tons of damage thanks to the passive triggering immediately with the 20% crit chance from Kraken Slayer
  • Fourth item options
    • Rapid Firecannon – great item for getting a little bit more range in a fight or hitting that one last auto attack when ultimate is down
    • Runaan’s Hurricane – with a little more attack speed this item could be good in situations where Jinx will be relatively safe from enemies diving on her during team fights 
  • Fifth item options
    • Bloodthirster – just another big power spike, once built Jinx will have 100% crit chance and more survivability from the added life steal and passive
    • Lord Dominik’s Regards – good for enemies stacking health and armor
    • Guardian Angel – AD, Armor, and survivability from burst
  • Sixth Item: We want to pick up a leftover item from the fifth item option that best fills out our game’s situation.
    • Guardian Angel – anti-brust 
    • Bloodthirster – more survivability 
    • Lord Dominik’s Regards – anti-armor

  • VielGlueckLoL – Currently Masters 129 LP (EUW) German Streamer who streams daily starting at various times of day 
  • BennisTheMennis – This UK stream is currently Diamond 2 Jinx one trick who is working his way back to his peak Masters Rank.