5 Tips for Camo Challenges in Modern Warfare 2 [Updated]

The complete guide to grinding out gun camos as fast as possible. Read for the top 5 tips on Camo Challenges in Modern Warfare 2.

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updated 02/7/2023

Weapon camo challenges have become one of the most anticipated parts of any new Call of Duty release, and Modern Warfare 2 has been no exception. This time around the ultimate goal is to unlock the Orion camo, and to do so you’ll need to unlock a plethora of other camos first, including Gold, Platinum, and Polyatomic. In this article we provide some tips for doing this quickly and efficiently, so you can show off your Orion M4 in no time! After you’ve given your weapon a custom look, make sure to check out our Best Warzone Loadouts Tier list to ensure that you’re both stylish and effective.

1. Play Shoot the Ship

Image via Activision

Popular playlist Shoot the Ship has returned to Call of Duty, first making its appearance in Modern Warfare 2 in late January. For those unfamiliar, this playlist includes a variety of game modes played on the maps Shipment and Shoot House.

The reason this playlist is great for camo challenges is because both maps play fast, but have different qualities that can help with specific challenges. Shipment brings non-stop action, leading to high kills and can be great for quickly completing prone and crouching kill challenges in one go. Shoot House has sight lines that allow you to rack up longshot kills quickly.

Pair Shoot the Ship with double weapon XP tokens to fly through the challenges and level up your guns quickly.

2. Earn passive weapon XP to level weapons faster

To unlock each of the first four camo challenges, you’ll first need to level the weapon you’re working on to a certain level. One way to speed up this process is earning passive XP. Earning XP in the match will also count towards weapon XP, and there are a handful of ways to earn additional XP along with the XP you get from kills. 

Running decoy grenades, UAVs, Counter UAVs, and the DDOS field upgrade will all give you additional XP while you play the match. Spam decoy grenades into high traffic areas, as you will receive XP for any enemy near your decoy, and additional XP for any of them killed by one of your teammates. 

Playing the objective will also give you XP for the gun you have equipped. Collecting and denying tags in Kill Confirmed are great objectives to complete to get additional XP on top of kills. 

3. Complete camo challenges for new guns released during season 1

In order to unlock the platinum challenges for a certain weapon class you’ll need to get a certain amount of weapons in that class gold. Additionally, you’ll need to complete 51 platinum challenges to unlock the Polyatomic challenges, and complete 51 polyatomic challenges to unlock the Orion camo.   

Between the Season 1 launch and the upcoming mid-season update on December 14th, Season 1 is providing us with 4 new weapons that can be used in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 – the M13B and Chimera ARs, the BAS-P SMS, and the Victus XMR Sniper. 

Despite the addition of these guns, the number of challenges needed to unlock the next level of challenges has not gone up. So getting platinum on all 4 of these guns will count towards your 51 platinum challenges, and allow you skip the launchers all together. 

4. Stick with the more difficult weapons

Grinding out certain weapons, such as the launchers and melee weapons, can without a doubt be a drain, and seem like a never ending process. However, once you start with one of these more difficult weapons, you should stick with it until you complete the camo challenges for it. 

The reason for this is the SBMM in multi-player will eventually start to put you in easier lobbies as you struggle through the challenges on these harder weapons. Jumping between launchers and easier ARs or SMGs is going to keep the overall skill of your lobbies higher, and make completing those challenges all the more difficult. Sometimes you just need to trust the process. 

5. Use the Xten Angel-40 optic attachment when completing the Platinum camo challenges

The Platinum challenge for most weapons is getting 20-25 longshots depending on the class. Using the Xten Angel-40 optic is a great way to make sure you are far enough away for your kill to count as a longshot, since it has a rangefinder built in. Throw on this attachment and jump into some Tier 1 games to fly through the long shot challenges! 

Here is a breakdown of the distances you will need to hit to register a longshot with each class:
ARs: 38 meters
Battle Rifles: 38 meters
SMGs: 30 meters
LMGs: 38 meters
Shotguns: 12.5 meters
Marksman Rifles: 38 meters
Sniper Rifles: 50 meters
Handguns: 20 meters

Whether this is your first time camo grinding, or you have unlocked every mastery camo Call of Duty has to offer, these tips should help you fly through the different camo challenges in Modern Warfare 2. Be sure to also check out the Z League app, where you can register for tournaments, post your highlights, and find teammates using the LFG feature!